Paytm Earned ₹7,990 Crore Revenue in FY23.

Know How Paytm Makes Money?

The company announced  a revenue of ₹7,990 Cr in FY23. Its revenue from operations grew by a whopping 61% on a YoY basis.

Paytm Annual Reports

Payment services to Merchants Payment services to Customers Financial services Commercial & Cloud

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Paytm has 4 Main Revenue Verticals

Paytm has a range of different payment services such as Payment Gateway, All-in-one and Dynamic-QR, POS, Soundbox & QR Code.

Payment Services to Merchants

The Paytm Sound Box gained a lot of traction & growing consistently, penetration is 18.5%. It earns more than ₹ 100 per device per month.

Paytm Sound Box

Paytm charges a fee to the billers based on  gross merchandise value.

Payment Services  to Consumers

Paytm has 84.9 million average monthly users with an average monthly GMV of ₹13.5K. On these transactions, Paytm earns a margin of 7-9 bps of GMV.

GMV of ₹13.5K

Under financial services, the main focus is lending (Merchant Loans, Personal Loans, Paytm Postpaid - BNPL)

Financial Services

Paytm manages loans and rely on 6 lending partners for other tasks. It earns 2.5 - 3.5% through sourcing & 0.5 - 1.5% through collections.

Loans and Rely

Paytm’s loans accounts for 22% of total revenues versus 9% in Q3 FY 2022. In Q3 FY23, Paytm disbursed loans amounting to ₹10,000 Crore.

Paytm Loan Accounts

Paytm has built a strong network of millions of users. It not only monetizes the advertisements but also sells tickets, vouchers, etc. 

Commerce &  Cloud Services

It charges fees from its partners & fees from users. In the Dec quarter, the total GMV was ₹2,294 Crore, with a take rate of 6%-8% on the GMV.

Charges and Fees

Paytm also provides B2B & cloud services for a fee, for eg - Co-branded credit cards. Till Dec’22, it sold 4.5 lakhs cards for a lifetime usage fee.

B2B & Cloud Services

Paytm has built a strong network of millions of users. It not only monetizes the advertisements but also sells tickets, vouchers, etc. 

How Paytm Makes Money

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